
General information

  • Adres
    Spoorallee 18 6921 HZ Duiven, The Netherlands
  • Contact us
    Telephone: +31 (0) 316 - 295 000 Fax: +31 (0) 316 - 295 011 Mail:
    Opening hours You can reach us during business hours: Monday to Friday, 09.00am - 17.00pm.
  • Impressum
    Impressum Chamber of Commerce (NL) no.: 53693655 VAT no.: NL850978786B01 EORI no.: NL850978786


For specific questions about our products, please contact the Easy-Life Team via the following e-mail address: or fill in the formular consumer inquire. Trade inquires can be sent to us via the following e-mail address: or formular trade inquires.

  • Consumer inquire
  • Trade inquires